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how to be a good boyfriend

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1how to be a good boyfriend Empty how to be a good boyfriend Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:04 pm



Being a good boyfriend is easy. But it requires hard work. You have to respect your girlfriend and yourself in order to make a relationship succeed. Follow these steps and you'll be the best boyfriend in the world.

Be honest



Be honest. In a relationship, honesty is almost always the best policy. It can be difficult, but the truth will allow relationships to breathe. It's
hard, but no matter what happens, no one can dispute the fact that you
are true, which may mean that the other person gives you the same
respect. Statistically,
studies have found that when couples are more honest from the start,
they are more likely to make the relationship work and grow. Do not always try to get an answer appears to be a compliment. Instead,
offer an alternative (for example, if your girlfriend asks you if you
like something she is experiencing, let her know that might work, but
that blue is her favorite, because it enhances your beautiful ___). But
if you do, she will eventually use the original article that you did
not like, and eventually both will get very tired of this strategy. The same goes for other problems: tell her that you love is good, but you have to tell her what you do not like too. Mitigate an opinion is fine, but not distract. Expect
this kind of honesty back, and both realize that expressing such
opinions only release affection and honesty, both will have a better


Be open. Being
open allows you to create a more open relationship with each other, as
well as creating a very good understanding of what your partner wants,
feels and needs. This will help you because it shows that you can be trusted. After all, love is a combination of trust and commitment. The opening, in combination with honesty, should blend in perfect harmony and make your relationship last a long time.

Give Support



Supportive. Support is a crucial role in maintaining a strong relationship. Make it a priority of needs. Be sure to be with her and give her what she needs all the time. 100% of support. Giving support, you will start a new sense of security and improved.



Not desmereça. People often find it annoying when they start to feel that your partner treats them as inferior in a relationship. Women are no exception. Remember, she is your girlfriend because she likes to be near you. Some
girls were taught that the only way to draw attention when your
boyfriend is ignoring is the act more emotional and more striking until
you finally give up and watch it, even with annoyance. If people feel they are getting a cold treatment given by people who should be important to them, they get worried. Especially when it happens without an explanation of why this has occurred. People do not read minds. His
companion is probably not able to guess that you are angry because you
did not let him do something that she thought was too trivial, although
you found important. If
you know that your mood can lead you to overreact, simply say "I'm very
angry and I do not want to fight well. Let's talk later." (Do not forget to follow what you said and really give it some time later.)



Praise sincerely. Compliments are great, but make sure they are true. Do not just say: "You're beautiful." Say
"This really highlights your eyes", "Your haircut really suits the
shape of your face" or "It makes me want to kiss your neck" ... and then kiss her neck! The more specific you are, the more unique and will be appreciative praise.



Be sympathetic and understanding. If something is important to her, this is important to you. Some examples:

* If she is suffering from the death of a pet, remember that for her this is something important. Women are programmed to love their children, and most women refer to their pets as their babies and treats them as such. If she cries, do not tell her to stop. Instead, take a break and hold her, comfort her. She'll probably fall asleep after crying. Do
not go away (unless you are not going further than the kitchen to
prepare a snack for when she wakes up, something simple that does not
need to be refrigerated, or in the bathroom). When she wakes up, hug her and give suggestion to do something simple together, like watching TV embraced. If she talk about your pet, listen, say that the animal had a good life because of it and he probably enjoyed it. If you know the name of the pet, use it instead of saying "your cat." She'll be fine in a few days, though she may cry a little when the animal is mentioned.

* If she cries for a reason unknown to you, first determine if the tears are of joy, sadness or frustration. If you are happy, then be happy with it. If sadness, discover what made her sad and comfort her. Do not tell her to stop crying, it makes it feel being a burden to you or that you do not care. She
will stop crying eventually, just caress her hair (which most women
find comforting) and hug her gently, but securely, since it can weaken
the body to his touch, letting you really support. If she has trouble breathing, give him water. If they are tears of frustration, to calm down, ask specific questions about what happened and show sympathy. Do not try to fix it for her, at least not at first. Once she calms down, then you may be able to offer help to fix it.

Be Affectionate



Show kindness. Show
that you love her, maybe a little public display of affection, but do
not overdo it, you do not want to leave her uncomfortable. Remember to read their signals and, if it is not in a good mood, not kiss it!



Make physical contact. Girls are usually more sensitive than men, and therefore, even a light touch is appreciated. If your girlfriend is romantic, upon seeing her for the first time after a few days, say, "I missed you ..." and wrap his arms around her hips, then give a loving embrace. Do not do it last long! A hug in public can last from 5 seconds to a minute or two. If
you have been with your girlfriend for longer and already kissed
before, feel free to also give a light kiss on her lips / cheek /
forehead / neck just to show that you really appreciate their presence.
Or just kiss her hand (not bowing toward her hand, just squeezing it and pulling it up to his lips). Make
sure you do it in private or in an inconspicuous place, if you are
unsure of how your girlfriend feels about public displays of affection.

Be Spontaneous



Shake things. Go to a new restaurant, try going to a new nightclub or go to a new part of town. Even if you end up hating it, it's an experience you can share a relationship and that's it, is not it? Create memories together. Surprise her by doing something offbeat - think less sentimental and more personal. This
includes anything from pulling it a race to the fate of you, dancing
without music or even mount it to a tub of LEGO and make use of it. You two should grow to become comfortable with each other and do things together without self-consciousness. Ideally, your girlfriend should never feel unsmartiness for wanting near you or do anything in particular. Get out of your comfort zone. Sometimes, to make things flow, you need to leave your comfort zone.



Give gifts. Think
of a birthday gift, Valentine's Day, Christmas or birthday relationship
(by the way, we are in the 21st century. Your phone has a calendar and
an alarm, so there is no excuse to forget). Give yourself time to think about what she would like. That way you can find something for a reasonable price and it will still mean a lot. A
necklace, for example, can be tacky if not well chosen, but if it is
silver (not too expensive) and with a pendant that means something to
her (her name, a snowflake, if she likes skiing / skating, a musical note, if she likes music, etc.) can become something really nice. And always add a little chocolate. Gifts can also be a pleasant surprise. Listen
to it when you are seeing storefronts and shopping if there's anything
she likes and is within your price range, remember and surprise her
with it when she least expects it, without any specific reason. Or, grab something on the way home from work or school, and tell him I was thinking of her when he saw it. There
needs to be something big or expensive, a book that you know she'll
like, or a CD of your favorite band are nice gestures. As Sean Connery said: "The way to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift through an unexpected moment."



When she says she does not want gifts, or you do not have to give her anything, she did not really mean it comprehensively. A flower, chocolate or necklace will always be appreciated. But do not fill it with expensive gifts or she may feel obliged to do the same.




Communicate. When you talk, you'd get a fifty-fifty balance in the flow of conversation. None of the sexes enjoy a silent partner too. If you are very quiet, she'll think you're uninterested or distant. If you're very talkative, she'll think you're self-obsessed or uneducated. Unless,
of course, that something very exciting or important has happened to
one of you, in which case a little chatter is expected. If you are not much to talk about at some point, keep a stream of minor issues. For example, ask what kind of movie she likes or about one of his favorites. If you know it, talk a little about it in an honest way, say what you think of the movie and try to guess why she liked. Even if you're wrong, your mate will usually love the fact that you are interested enough to try. Remember, the opposite of talking is not waiting for its turn, is listening. Make sure you're really listening and not just waiting for your turn to speak. Do not listen too intently; look without breaking any time eye contact is a little scary, but be sure to look interested.

Take a Step Back



Let your partner free. Just because she is your partner, it does not mean that she is his, implying some kind of property. You can not be with this person all to yourself. You can be jealous if you talk to someone, but if you trust her and she is good for, you should have nothing to worry about. If her actions make you feel uncomfortable, sit and talk - again, using non-violent communication. The same goes for how she dresses and looks. It may not always be willing to spend an hour waxing up, making the eyebrow, cutting it, applying it. Make sure she knows that you can relax and be herself with you. Do not feel like you always have to look like a celestial being. If
she is getting dropped, so to speak, bring it to the surface of a
gentle and caring, like "What happened to your red lipstick do you have
beautiful lips and I love when you out from time to time. Stay
incredible. '



Take care of yourself. Do not be needy or dependent. Nothing
frightens someone more than someone who constantly needs to be reminded
to wash clothes, take a bath or not to be late for work. Be hygienic and organized, set goals and work hard. You can not be a good boyfriend if you're not a good person.



Remember that she talks to her friends. If
you do not know what she wants from this, ask them, they probably know
more about her dream date, favorite places, favorite brands and she
absolutely hates. However, do not ask your friends what's wrong with her. If you two have a fight, they almost always choose her side and the word goes back to her. Be
nice to them if they do not like you, they can not advise you to stay
with you (especially if you are a complete idiot for or if they refuse
to let her spend time with them).

* Do not try to rush things, it will probably ruin the relationship. Start slowly and your relationship will progress.

* Even if you do not like her brothers, do not tell her or show; store just for you.

If you see your partner doing something that can easily be
misinterpreted or seen in a bad way, do not say "That's not what you
think" or "This is not what it seems to be." Hold
her hand (she'll turn away), look into her eyes and tell her you love
her, and she is the one for you, and it really was not what it seemed,
only then explain yourself.

* Never betray. This will backfire on you. Realize where your heart is and stick to it. A single betrayal will be enough to convince someone to drop him.

* Never use the actions of her family against her. No one can avoid what the family does or says. You can share with her what bothers you, what someone might have said or done, but leave her alone after that.

* Never tell about something you almost did for her and then ended up not doing it for whatever reason. How
to say "I thought I'd give you this gift, but changed my mind" or "I'd
take the day off from work to enjoy it with you, but I decided that was
a bad idea." She will not think you were thoughtful, she will think you decided it was not worth it. This
is worse than a boyfriend oblivious because it shows that you know to
be romantic and knows what to do, but do not think it is valuable
enough for that. These thoughts should definitely be kept to yourself.

* Do not embarrass. Most people feel embarrassed if you talk about clothes and stuff. Remember, these types of things can be appealing to you, but it may be something about what she does not want to talk. In the same token, never tell a funny story about her without her consent, especially if she tries to stop him. This
will hurt your feelings, because it shows that impress your friends and
make them laugh is more important to you than it does not have to feel

* Do not be too sticky. She wants your personal space as much as you. If she wants to go out with friends or do something other than hang out with you, leave it.

* No matter how intense is what you feel for her, do not assume that she feels exactly the same way. You do not want to get too much pressure.

* Do not send messages to her more times than she sends to you. This
will be seen as an attitude needy and desperate in the early stages of
the development of the relationship, and call her pet names for every
single text message can have the opposite effect and be more annoying
than anything else, it will not sound sincere .

* If you are struggling, do not try to call her a million times. Instead, give her some time to get some air. If she is calling, be sure to attend. If you do not, she'll think you're not trying to solve the problem.

* Do not try to impress her continuously. This will irritate her.

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