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how to be arranged as

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1how to be arranged as Empty how to be arranged as Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:22 pm



Everything in its respective place



Organize your space. If
the house is composed of bedroom, kitchen, office, computer, wardrobe,
desk or locker, you need to know what are the objects, take everything
that you rarely use (or store efficiently) and give the rest one convenient space and clearly assigned.

* Organized does not mean simply "put in order". The organization's goal is to be able to meet, exchange and evaluate the items quickly. But
the organization also can help keep them tidy, providing a fast and
logical to add and remove things with practicality, separating
everything in groups and avoiding unnecessary purchases because of lost

If you have a lot of books and a bookcase filled with them in order of
size, they will appear in order, but you will have to look for them
every time they forget where some of them are - maybe even move some
place - and rearrange whenever you need to add some more. If
you give each category its own area on the shelf and leave some extra
space at the end or between groups, you can find a book quickly,
searching by category and moving only a few books in the right
category, and add or remove books here and there without disrupting the overall distribution.

Organizing your items hierarchically, you just have to make some
decisions while going down the hierarchy in the form of increasingly
narrow categories (eg, rack, shelf, box, pouch), instead of searching
for everything. For
example, you could put all your stuff on a shelf of sports, with a box
for each sport, and small items such as golf clubs, a golf bag in the
box. A small number of big things like skates, can go elsewhere. You could also put cleaning products on a shelf, sorted by the type of area that clean.

+ Do not overdo it, because it is much faster to look at several items that open and close or remove and replace a container. Two or three levels is enough. Arrange
the pieces electrical, electronic, computer, cables and other very
small items and different formats, which tend to go deep in the stacks
or create tangles, putting them in more accessible places (in
containers like plastic bags with zipper ).

+ Leave some empty space in each of the storage areas to add things without destroying the system. Prepare
extra space [3], as a small table or shelf, to organize the items that
need to be stored and keep you from keeping everything all the time and
stop doing other activities to deal with the classification, as well as
help save time, putting things in a storage space until they accumulate, instead of storing each individual thing.

Some items need a good disposition and ordering instead of just grouping. Items
often used as seasonings, should be kept on hand and in a place visible
and accessible, not hidden with something they are not related in any
way. Perishable items such as food must be consumed first and always to be brought forward. Items
similar, but not identical, possessing great variety, like clothes,
should also be queued and periodically swap place so that nothing
remains hidden beneath the pile. Items too large or require any special care may need special places.

* Clean your belongings before thinking of organizing them (toolbox, furniture, etc.). Do not do otherwise. You can only really know exactly what space you have when everything is clean. If you do not look carefully at what is keeping your spaces, you lose time and money organizing things you do not need.

* Watch how you use your things and discover how to use your space efficiently. If it is inconvenient to put things (or remove them), it is likely that your organization system is flawed. Facilitate how to find and pick up the things you use frequently. That is, keep the things you use most accessible places. Containers should be stored near the stove, envelopes and office supplies at a desk, stain remover and bleach in the laundry .. (Sounds
obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people just put things
"anywhere," and then are surprised to see that doing anything is
extremely difficult).

* Do you have items in your home that just take up space? Make sure to clean often. Some good questions to make time to make a decision: Do I need it? I'll need it in a year? I used it last year? I really like that? Have someone who could use it more? I have more than I could use in the near future? I would miss it if it had not? If I happen to need it, I can easily replace it with something equivalent?

* Learn what it means and how a place is "organized". Organized spaces are easy to use. They have enough space for your items. Make sense. All items in your home should have a place. Spaces are also organized calm, open and welcoming.

* Control the time. Set the time that should last for organize something and make every effort to achieve the goal.

* Have a place for all accounts. Open all mail and immediately delete all envelopes. Keep only the account in an appropriate place.



Put everything back in place immediately. After setting where everything should be, you need to get into the habit of putting it back once you are finished using it. Do
not place anything on top of the kitchen table or on the couch and go
to something else, thinking to yourself that will save later.

* Always leave your keys in the same place.

* Always leave your phone in the same place. Have a specific place to recharge it.



The reusable plastic bags are your friends. Store your stuff in plastic bags. That way, they will be well compact, clean and free of dust. But they can be scattered everywhere if you do not have a storage system! Put the bags in cupboards, drawers and other places. Plastic bags are practical, useful and cheap. Use them!

* Try drawer organizers. You can buy them or even make them.

Use calendars, diaries and a smartphone



Use a calendar. Buy a calendar and put it in a place you see every day, especially in the morning. For most people, a good place to use it is hung on the refrigerator, work desk or study or computer desk. Wherever you place, become part of your routine to look at it every day. For example, you can put it inside the bathroom cabinet where you store your toothpaste. Every
morning, while you're brushing your teeth with one hand, look for
today's date on the calendar with others and see what is scheduled for
today and next week.

* Keep your schedule handy when classifying documents. Often, you can archive or even throw out an invitation or announcement event if it is noted on your calendar. Your calendar helps you get things done on time. You need not rely on a stack of papers.



Use an agenda. An
agenda is especially useful if you have a lot of commitments and their
days are so different that you get to have trouble keeping track of
your schedule. For
example, if you travel a lot or attends classes at various times of the
day, it is much easier to carry a notebook with you so often see - you
can not do that with a calendar. You can also usually put more information on a schedule.



Use a smartphone. A
smartphone, properly synchronized with a network based on a personal
information manager software [4] on other computers, it is still better
than paper calendars, and how the data are searchable, they can be
easily inserted by phone or computer tasks that need to be made and reminders of urgent information.

Make a list



Write! A short pencil is better than a great memory. Everything and anything you need to remember is to be written. Even if your memory is good, nobody is perfect, and there is nothing more to put things on paper, just to be sure. Write
down phone numbers, appointments, birthdays, shopping lists, things to
do and places where you can easily find when you need it.



Make lists of things to do.

* Make a list of things to do in your day. Your daily list should not have more than 5 items, or if you are asking too much and not allowing himself to account. Write down one or two of these items as things you really need to do that day and do anything to achieve their goal.

* Make a list for the week. Items would be appropriate: a shopping list, repairing air-conditioning, etc.. Pick things from this list to pass to your daily list. A whiteboard or chalkboard with erasable markers may help to remember everything that has to do every day or long-term goals.

* Make a list for the month. This
list should contain more general tasks, such as buying a birthday gift
for someone, take the car for revision, go to the dentist. Take things from this list to your list daily and weekly.

* Make a list for life. Yes, it's something drastic, but why not use this time to rethink the direction your life is taking? After all, organizing is all about priorities, and it never hurts to have things in place.

Follow your calendar



Follow your schedule. No sense in making a list of things to do if you do not discipline yourself to complete the tasks you assigned to yourself. There are many ways to follow your schedule. Stop putting things, avoid distractions and get to work.

* If something will always stop at the end of your list, think about the item. Is it important? If so, it terminates at once, or at least to start. If not, place in a list of long-term or delete it altogether. Do not allow yourself to be stuck with something long.

* If you are bored with your routine or normal stops, you can get distracted attacking the lists accumulated.



a time period in which each task should be done throughout the day is
another good way to not get put off and keep his agenda. Set time limits is a very effective way to organize the day. Knowing
that you have a time frame for each item in the list leaves one quiet
because there is no need to rush to finish things. Just take the time you gave yourself and get the job done right. Do not rush. If
you have to rush to finish a task, it is not made with the same
precision as if it had been done gradually and more effectively.



Gather similar activities. Make all your calls at the same time. Pay all your bills at the same time. Make all your purchases in one trip.




Make multitasking. Interim
between activities [5] requires some care, so do not try to think of
something like a TV show, while doing another, how to study. It is more effective when a task does not require much mind or can be done automatically for a certain period of time. You
can fill the washing machine, send some emails or put something to cook
while filling the dryer, plan to pack for your trip and hang the
clothes once they are dry.

Just do not forget that many studies have shown that doing multiple
tasks diminishes your ability to concentrate on one thing at a time.




Delegate responsibilities. Make sure that the person you chose to do the task has all the tools to do so. Remember
that most things are much better when the person is available for this,
and to do them can teach the person (perhaps a child) as not only do
them, but how to deal with problems. It's hard to be organized if you insist on doing everything yourself.

Be decisive!



Take more decisions. Clutter and disorganization are often the result of not being able to decide what to do about something. Start by deciding on little things, and soon you'll be more confident in your decisions largest home and work. Start today!

It's good to carry a notepad and pen with you at all times so you can
jot down things as needed (usually this happens at inconvenient times,
so easily forgotten). If you're thinking about how you will do to find a block that serves in your pocket, do not worry. Look
at bookstores and office supply stores and find a notepad and pen thin
and small enough to fit in any pocket or purse, or just use a pad of
post-it and a small pencil. If your calendar is small enough, it can play this role well. Another idea is to have a smartphone or handtop. Most cell phones today has an area for reminders and calendar. As a last resort, call your own cell phone and record a voice message.

* When running activities, plot the best route for you to get a good result and avoid wasting time. Do not miss the course. Focus on what needs to be done. If something else arises in your mind, write and do another hour.

* Post-its are your friends. Place them in strategic places. For
example, if you realize you need to wash your car, stick a note on the
steering wheel, so that the next time you get in your car, you do
remember that. Other scraps are good places to doorknobs, mirrors and PC monitors (edges, not the screen itself).

* Start your phone conversations with "I'm only ___ minutes to talk." And take it seriously. When you call somewhere, make sure you have all the information you will need and write down all the questions in advance.

* Execute the task from the list unless he pleases. Most delays are caused because you do not want to do something and is delaying. If
you make the effort to make you not want to do the first task on the
list, you will feel better and not spend the entire day hating or
fearing having to do that!

If you know you do not have a natural tendency to be organized, you can
change that by starting with a small area of ​​your space and keep
focusing on that small area organized. Keep a small area organized over time is something easy to do and will help you to build a new habit. After
about 2-3 months, maintaining a small space organized, you naturally
tend to expand your new habit and organize other areas.

* "A place for everything and everything in its place" is always a good rule to follow.

* Remember: "Minds organized result in successful people."

* Make sure to always have what you need for the day with you.

* When making your list of tasks for the week, completely unexpected remember things that may happen. So, do not set at all what you need to do - be flexible when circumstances change.

* Learn to divide time between important and productive thing with other activities.

* Take care of yourself - start with a good night's sleep and eat a healthy (or healthier). To accomplish anything, you need to be prepared to think clearly and need the energy.

* There are several valid ways to organize. Some people organize drawers half by color. Others simply gather and store the pairs. Other people can buy identical pairs of socks and just keep them all together. Whatever you are organizing, choose the way that makes most sense for you.

* Keep surfaces free. Reduce visual clutter helps reduce confusion, overstimulation and the feeling of oppression. Get rid of things you do not need - so you can put things you need closest to you. You will feel calmer immediately.

* Warehouses, offices, restaurants and attacked has all kinds of functional and sturdy boxes. They are great for places where looks do not matter much, like a basement, garage or attic. Look at used furniture stores.

* Do not wait to become organized from day to night, unless you get a very fast way or the place is small.

* Do not wait for their families and friends getting involved at first, but go ahead. In the long run, you'll be glad insisted.

* Do not worry if you are not "perfectly" organized, since their area is safe, hygienic and reasonably efficient for you.

* Do not rush so much, what is more important is to follow your pace to develop the habit of organizing.

* Take a day off and dedicate it to organize your life and the things that go with it. The other day, you will feel the difference!

* Once you get organized, you can return to your old habits. Just continue and strive and eventually you will organize the rest of your life!

* Do not try this if you have a newborn child. Wait a month or two.

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